In case of emergency, always call 911. Do not call the Police Department, Fire Company, or the Ambulance Squad directly.
Chief James J. Sabath -
Sergeant Sean Orr -
Corporal James Warunek -
Officer Charles Gorski -
Officer George J Rusinko, IV -
Officer Steven Szerlag, Jr. -
Officer Tiffany Winik -
OFFICE: 22 LIBERTY STREET - Non-Emergency Number (215) 860-7835
County Dispatch (215) 328-8524
The Police Department business office is open to the public Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM except on holidays.
The Police Department lobby is open 7 days a week, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM including holidays.
Fingerprinting - during normal business hours for borough residents and employees by appointment (No fee for borough residents-you provide print cards)
Parking Ticket Payment - available in the drop-off box in the lobby
Obtaining reports - during normal business hours
-Motor Vehicle Accident Reports - $15 fee
-Police reports for insurance purposes - $15 fee (not all reports are subject to release)
Temporary Vacant House Form Homeowners should fill in this form to alert the police when they are away for an extended period of time.
Complaints Concerning Police This form is also available at the Police Department front window. Completed forms should be forwarded to the Chief of Police for investigation.
Businesss Emergency Contact Form: Business owners should fill in this form so that the police have a contact in case of emergencies.
Glenn Forsyth, Chief
Warren Dallas, President
Station 45 (Newtown Borough) • 14 Liberty Street • (215) 968-3731
Newtown Ambulance Squad web site
Evan Resnikoff, President
2651 South Eagle Road • 215-968-3500 x114
Regarding Alarms
Newtown Homeowners and Businesses with Central Station Alarm Systems
Newtown Township and Newtown Borough advise that all homeowners and businesses with alarm systems, monitored by a central station alarm service, contact their respective alarm companies and have them record your municipality (Newtown Township or Newtown Borough). This information should be given when reporting an alarm to the county dispatch center. This will also prevent any unnecessary delays in emergency responses.
As a home or business owner and as an alarm subscriber, you have the right to ensure that you have the optimum response to the correct location. Often alarm companies use the postal address without knowing the proper municipality. Many postal addresses (zip codes) serve several municipalities. It is imperative that both you and your alarm company know what municipality your home or business is located within to ensure a timely response by emergency responders.
Any questions regarding this information, please call Newtown Emergency Services Department at (215) 968-2800 x 255.
Bucks County Resources
The Mitigation/Recovery webpage can be viewed here: Mitigation & Recovery Information | Bucks County, PA and accessed from the county EMA webpage: Emergency Management Agency | Bucks County, PA.