Mayor John Burke, Members of Council -- Emily Heinz, Kris Bauman, Gail Foley, Josh Phillips, Gina Tognini, Julia Woldorf

Newtown Borough
E-News Update

Happy Fall!!!

It's fun to see all the decorated homes along our streets, knowing that Newtown Borough is getting excited to celebrate another Halloween! To maintain safety for our trick-or-treaters on Halloween night, our Walk Friendly Newtown Committee is looking for volunteers to help pedestrians safely cross the busy intersections along Washington Ave. at Congress St., Chancellor St. and Norwood Ave. on Halloween evening. If you are interested in helping and would like more information, please contact Don Hayden ( or Courtney Lang (

Thank you for making the change to use reusable bags when going shopping. The Newtown Artesian Water Company has donated a large box of tote bags that are free to residents and available for pick up in the Borough Hall lobby area.

For the second consecutive month, we have a lot of special events planned for everyone's enjoyment. Click Newtown Library 5K, Market Day, Main Street Breast Cancer Fundraiser/Mr. Bucks County, Halloween Movie in the Park featuring the original Beetlejuice, Haunted Hustle 5K, Halloween Parade and scroll to Events for all the details. Please note that Halloween Parade registration is now available online at or in person beginning at 9AM with a kickoff at 10AM.

Our homepage is also where you'll find our calendar that provides the dates, times, and other important information regarding Borough Council and Committees of Council meetings. This month, Borough Council will meet in a Work Session on October 1st, a Council Meeting on October 8th, and a Special Budget Work Session on October 24th. Council Work Sessions are held at Borough Hall and can be watched live on Zoom. The monthly Council Meetings take place at the Chancellor Center and are livestreamed on YouTube. Audio and video recordings are available on the Borough website calendar following the meetings.

Please click 2024 Volunteer Opportunities to see the few vacancies that remain on our Committees, Commissions, and Boards.

Thank you for staying informed and please forward this email to new neighbors who may be interested to sign up for E-News Alerts too.

Best regards,

Newtown Borough Mayor & Council

Residents are advised to check the Borough website at, read E-News Alerts, or check for schedule updates.

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