Home News

2024 Food Drive - drop off at Newtown Borough Police Station

See the 2024 food drive flyer for detailsDrop off at Newtown Borough Police Station - 22 Liberty Street

Draft Ordinance #804 Regulating Mobile Food Vendors (Food Trucks)

Draft Ordinance #804 Mobile Food Vendors (Food Trucks).pdf 


Plastic Recyclables

Single-Use Plastics Ordinance

Please see the Single-Use Plastics News Page for many available resources to assist the public with this transition.

Fraud Alerts

Fraud, theft, phishing, and scamming are regular occurrences. Please be reminded to remain vigilant.PECO offers the following tips regarding payment scams: PECO will never demand immediate payment, nor require one specific form of payment, such as a prepaid cards, cryptocurrency, or third-party dig…

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Have you ever noticed the "Email Updates" option on the bottom right of the website's home page? This is where you can subscribe to receive monthly emails that are sent out to notify Borough residents, employees, and visitors of scheduled events, meetings of special interest, volunteer opportunitie…