Boards & Committees

We acknowledge, with special thanks and recognition, citizens of Newtown Borough whose names are listed on this web site and who serve in a voluntary capacity as members of the following boards and committees.  Their generous donation of time and effort to retain the character of Newtown Borough, preserve our heritage, and support our government are highly valued and appreciated by Borough Council.

Committees of Council regularly meet in Council Chambers, 23 North State Street, Newtown, unless otherwise advertised.

The Council meets monthly on the Wednesday prior to the second Tuesday for Work Session in Council Chambers.

The semi-monthly meetings of the Council are held on the second Tuesday and when applicable, the fourth Thursday in Council Chambers.

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Boards and Committees
Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals is a three member board with a five-year term. They meet on call.

This judicial board was established to hear and rule on appeals, requests for variances, and requests for extensions of time arising under the PA Uniform Construction Code (UCC) for matters related to the Borough's Building Code. In addition, the Board may hear and rule on appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Borough Fire Code Official relative to the application and interpretation of the adopted Fire Code. Members shall be qualified based on training and experience in building construction, such as licensure as an architect or engineer, experience in the construction industry or training or experience as an inspector or plan reviewer, certified fire inspector or fire plans examiner. Further qualifications shall include experience and training in fire hazards, explosions, hazardous conditions or fire protection systems.

Board of Appeals members do not receive compensation. No member of Borough Council nor any code official employed by the Borough may serve on the Board of Appeals. If Borough Council is unable to find a sufficient number of qualified individuals who reside within Newtown Borough, it may appoint a qualified person(s) who resides outside of the Borough to fill a position. In accordance with the PA UCC, the Board of Appeals shall not act upon appeals, requests for variances or requests for extensions of time relating to accessibility.

Additional information regarding the Board of Appeals can be found in pertinent chapters of the Newtown Borough Code


Warren Woldorf - Chair/Secretary
Kevin Dippolito
Rob Wagner

Civil Service Commission

Three member board, six year term.  Meets on call.

Civil Service Commission

Chair, Bernie Sauer 

Member Michael Adams

Member, Philip Mitchell

Recording Secretary: Heather Lewis

Alternate, Patricia Beasley

Alternate, Dennis O'Brien

Alternate, Andrew Rich

Emergency Services Coordinating Committee

Six member board, four year term.  Meets on call.

Emergency Management Committee


Glenn Forsyth

(215) 968-2800 x255

Borough Coordinator

Mayor John Burke

(215) 962-2753

Newtown Fire Association

Glenn Forsyth

(215) 968-2800 x255

Newtown Borough Police Department

Chief James J. Sabath

(215) 860-7835

Newtown Township Police Department

Chief John L. Hearn

(215) 968-2800

Newtown Ambulance SquadEvan Resnikoff(215) 968-3500 x114
Environmental Advisory Council

Seven member board, three year term.  Meets on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m.

Environmental Advisory Council      Liaison: Julia Woldorf

Co-Chairs: Tim Markey and Samantha McGraw

Secretary: Gerard O'Malley


Glenn Beasley

Katherine Borish

Patrick Foster

Bob Mirales

Newtown Borough EAC is a group of community residents, appointed by the elected officials, to advise them and other municipal officials about the protection, conservation, management, promotion and use of natural resources.    

Historic Architectural Review Board

Seven member board, three year term.  Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM

Historic Architectural Review Board

The Borough Zoning and Historic District Ordinances require that all plans for exterior changes to buildings within the Historic District (which can be seen from any public way) be reviewed for appropriateness by HARB and the Council. 

 HARB meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, except for November and December when they meet the third Wednesday (because of the holidays); the meetings are held in Borough Hall at 7:30 PM.

DEADLINE:  Completed applications must be submitted to the Zoning Office no later than 30 days before the HARB meeting in order to be placed on the HARB agenda for that month's meeting. 

For information on guidelines under which HARB will operate, see "Design Guidelines and Historic District Ordinance 594" at Borough Hall.

Pick up copies of all HARB booklets in Boro Offices at 23 N. State Street, Newtown or click on links below.

HARB - Guidelines for Roofing

HARB - Guidelines for Signs & Awnings

HARB - Guidelines for Wood Windows

HARB - Rehabilitation Standards

HARB Application_rev082022.docx and HARB application Part II complete both forms

Only after review by HARB and approval by Borough Council can a Certificate of Appropriateness be issued by HARB COA Administrator, Ana Gindhart


Jim McAuliffe
Mike Hutchinson
Bob King
Marcia Lincoln-Heinz
Judy Ritter
Karen White
Member, Building Inspector
Ana Gindhart
Preservation Consultant
Margaret Newman

Non-Member Recording SecretaryLeslie Dunleavy 
Council LiaisonKris Bauman
Human Relations Commission

The Commission was established to ensure that all persons, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, sex, religion, ancestry, genetic information, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, marital status, age, mental or physical, etc. are afforded equal opportunities for employment, housing and the use of public accommodations. If an individual feels discrimination has been involved, this commission will review their formal complaint as presented in this Human Relations Commission Discrimination Inquiry Form. Confidential contact to the HRC Chair can be made by emailing

7 member board that meets as needed

Vacancy, Chairperson              

Jean Bohr

Jack Byer

Catherine Anne Porter

Paula Raimondo



Josh Phillips, Borough Liaison

Joint Historic Commission

Eight member board, four year term.   Meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 PM.

Joint Historic Commission

The Joint Historic Commission's primary responsibility is the protection and preservation of historically and/or architecturally significant structures in Newtown Borough and Newtown Township.  The Commission is comprised of four residents from each of these two municipalities.  Meetings are held in Newtown Borough Hall, 23 North State Street.

As an advocate for historic preservation, the Joint Historic Commission can be a resource for property owners and Borough and Township boards and committees regarding historic and/or architecturally significant structures.

Owners of properties seeking to obtain permission to demolish all or part of a structure must initially file an application for a "Determination of Significance" with the respective municipality.  This authorizes the Joint Historic Commission to conduct a review of the structure that may include archival research, site investigation, and formal discussion.  The results of this work, and a recommendation to approve or deny the request for demolition, are submitted in a written report to Newtown Borough Council or the Township Board of Supervisors.

PLEASE NOTE:  Completed applications for demolition requests must be received by the Zoning Officer by the second Monday of the month in order to be placed on the Joint Historic Commission agenda for that month.

Chairperson (Township)

Bill Mahler


Vice-Chair (Township)

Craig Deutsch

Treasurer (Borough)

Marcia Lincoln-Heinz


John Donato


Sean Irwin


Charissa Stone





Non-Member Recording Secretary

Leslie Dunleavy

Liaison (Borough)

Kris Bauman

Liaison (Township)Kyle Davis

Planning Commission

Seven member board.  Meets monthly on the first Monday of each month at 7 PM.

Planning Commission

Completed applications with fees must be submitted to the Zoning Officer two weeks prior to the first Monday of each month in order to be placed on the Planning Commission Agenda. 


Don Hayden


Matthew Neuman






Courtney Lang

Nicole Rodowicz

Charles Swartz

R. Scott Williams


Non-member Recording Secretary

Leslie Dunleavy

Borough LiaisonGail Foley
Police and Non-Uniform Pension Fund Committee

Five member board.  Meets on call.

Police and Non-Uniform Pension
 Fund Committee

The Newtown Police and Non-Uniform Pension Fund is administered through the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System (PMRS)


 Pennsylvania Muncipal Retirement System (PMRS)

(800) 622-7968


Mayor John Burke



James Sabath

(215) 860-7835


Judy S. Musto

(215) 968-2109 x 0

MemberEmily Heinz(267)210-0450
MemberBorough Manager - TBD(215) 968-2109 x 3
Recreation Board

Nine member board. Meets quarterly. Scan our QR Code to sign up for the Recreation Board email list.

Visit the website at

Recreation Board



Tracey Osecki

Jenna Ball


Sean Barry

Member & Secretary






Council Liaison  


Amelia Aspell 

Colleen Curtin  

Michael Hurley

Aileen Kelly

Joe Michelin

Bob Musto

Josh Phillips

Shade Tree Commission

Shade Tree Commission 

Newtown Borough Resident Information


Every other month or as needed to review permit applications or conduct pertinent STC business.


Trees are a natural resource and improve air quality, lower air temperature, reduce storm water runoff, raise property values, and contribute to the aesthetics of Newtown Borough and the well-being of its residents.  The Shade Tree Commission advocates for the planting and maintenance of trees in the Borough.



The Newtown Borough Shade Tree Commission has the authority to plant, remove, maintain and protect shade trees on public rights-of-way in the Borough:

All trees in the right-of-way require an approval prior to planting, pruning, removing, injecting, fertilizing, etc. Please complete the application below and submit to the Borough Secretary at

Planted or removed a shade tree recently in Newtown Borough? LET US KNOW!
The Newtown Borough Shade Tree Commission (STC) responds each year to the Tree City/Arbor Day Foundation to renew our designation as a Tree City! The year 2023 marks our 39th year! The data collected through this application informs Tree City and The Arbor Day Foundation about the tree canopy in our area. The STC obtains this data from permits submitted for trees planted and removed in the rights of way and public parks but has no means to acquire data about private property, although this info is requested on the application. A shade tree is a large tree whose primary role is to provide shade in the surrounding environment due to its spreading canopy and crown. It also provides a habitat for wildlife. If a shade tree is planted on your property please help us by responding to me via private message with the type of tree planted. The address is not necessary. If a shade tree was removed from your property please let us know the type, and age or approximate diameter. Again, address is not necessary. Thanks so much, Newtown Borough STC 



 Ted Schmidt,   Chair


Lee Ann Fancher



 Sheryl Rubin-Pitel


Borough Liaison

Gail Foley


Shade Tree Inventory:

Shade Tree Inventory click on Plant Inventory-294

Tree Pruning; Why Tree Topping is Wrong:

Find an Arborist:

Please contact an ISA Certified Arborist® (International Society of Arboriculture

If you need an evaluation of the health of a tree. A reputable tree service will have access to a certified expert. Or use the ISA website below.

Newtown Borough Shade Tree Ordinance:

Newtown Borough Shade Tree Right of Way Work Permit:

 Shade Tree Permit Application

Newtown Borough is pleased to have been designated a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation since 1984.



Zoning Hearing Board

Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month, if needed, at 7:00 PM

Liaison - Craig Totaro, Borough Manager

Chair - Mike Sellers

Member - Bob Abrahamson

Member - Paul Salvatore

Alternate - Marvin Cohen

Alternate - Andrew Northup

Walk Friendly Newtown Committee

Walk Friendly Newtown Committee

The "Walk Friendly Newtown" Committee is a standing committee, established to address concerns related to traffic and pedestrian safety within Newtown Borough. Its mission is to improve the quality of life in Newtown Borough for residents and visitors by ensuring the ability to safely walk and drive throughout the borough. 


Courtney Lang & Don Hayden


Jean Bohr

Sam Cler

Amy Lustig

Jillian Mabin

Patrick Molloy

Laura Shepherd

Gregg Taylor

Scott Williams

Cheryl Wood

Borough Liaison, Gina Tognini